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Slice Design creates packaging design for Tilly & Ted pet food

Slice Design has created branding for premium pet food brand Tilly & Ted.

The brief was to create a brand that is engaging, contemporary and can capture a millennial audience. It was key that the brand should be visually distinctive and playful with a straight talking down to earth tone of voice.

The packaging design for Tilly & Ted uses light hearted, quirky and unique photo montages that combine personality, flavour and benefits.

The packs are designed for a vibrant and playful feel, which gives stand out on shelf.

Alan Gilbody form Slice Design said: “It was key for us that the packaging design for Tilly & Ted captured that pets are an integral part of the family and their characters can be quite unique and eccentric just as we are. We used this insight to create a range of unique individual characters, capture the owners attention and provide an engaging way to talk about the flavours.”


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